Monday, April 25, 2011

GOOD FRIENDS ARE LIKE STARS.. i dont always see them, but i know they're are always there ! THANKS DEAR !

okay nak mencarut nie . lau tak suka anda bole pergi jahanam . haha :D first of all i love you guys ! heee and i miss chu all like HELL yeah ! 
susah nak bersama balik cam dulu . haihh ! kan best kalau masa tuh tak bergerak, jadi kita bole sentiasa jumpa, borak, gelak ketawa bersama, mengedik, menggatal, merayap, membontot dan sewaktu dengannya .. haihhh korang korang agak agak an kalau umo kita dah 30TAHUN kita akan meet up macam nie and have fun lagi tak ? sigh* =.=" mesti susah gila gila kan !!!
damn~ jadi kawan kawan semua jangan lah lupa kenangan kita bersama . aicehhhh ayat . BUDAK SASTERA katakan~ hahaah
okay guys i ade edit beberapa keping gambar kita hang out hari tuh . tapi tak berapa cantik sangat lah . SORRY :) hope u guys enjoy ! 

though miles may lie between us we are never far apart, for friendship doesn't count miles its measured by the heart <3


The friendship between me and you,
i will not compare to a chain,
for that rains might rust, or the falling tree might break ^_^

we're the kind of people who laugh at joke 3 times,
once when its told, the second when someone explain it to us and five minutes later when we actually get it ..
heheheeh friends...
They know how crazy you are and still choose to be seen with you in public

friendship is a single soul living in two bodies

no love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it 

all love that has no friendship for its base is like a mansion built upon the sand 

last but not least, me badriah mohd zain love you just the way you are... 
sincere your friend,

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i will always love u so fucking damn muchoo